September Stories - You Leave it EP Review
Review by Brittany Swigert
On July 10, 2020, September Stories released the first single of their upcoming EP titled “YOU LEAVE IT.”. The EP is coming to us at the end of the month on July 31, 2020. I have been following this band closely for awhile now and when I saw they had a new single coming out I had to jump on it. Most of my reviews are from submitted or assigned songs, albums, ect., but this was one I personally requested. I love their over all style and sound, so I sent them a message and they sent it to me for this review. September Stories typically combines music with spoken word, which if you follow my reviews you know I am a sucker for some well-placed spoken word, moody melodies, and dreamy vocals. The titular track, “YOU LEAVE IT.” Is everything we love about them musically. While this song doesn’t include any spoken word, it doesn’t feel far off from the things I have looked for in their music. It’s emotional and melancholic without feeling too dreary. It’s a bit more upbeat sonically, using well-crafted drum patterns, synthesized vocals, and some interesting guitar choices. It’s not entirely what I’m used to hearing from them, but I’m excited to see those elements worked in so flawlessly. It is clear they do not wish to stick to one sound forever and while that is the case for many bands, there are those who lost themselves in their approach. This was not the case here. The other tracks on the EP bring out a bit of both worlds. An updated sound, with familiar vocals and, you guessed it, spoken word. I don’t know what it is about this particular style that I love so much. It could be the emotional impact, or the fact that I’m an avid lover of poetry. Either way I was so glad to see they weren’t done with the element I love most about them.
The second track , “The Light at the End, Marks Change, the Need to Mend” includes one of my favorite lines in their discography. “Now I see through the passing of time, that I am not alive I am simply just awake.” This line resonates with me in a way that is not uncommon for their music. It’s relatable, and pensive and I could not be more pleased with it. Their music has always forced introspection and emotional awakening. They drag it out of you kicking and screaming or gladly excepting the experience. In the end, you’re bound to relate to something they have said, to remember a time long ago you never fully dealt with, or something you’re living right now. It can be so comforting to hear that someone out there understands, and that’s just what September Stories has always done.
The short EP ends with “Falling (Slowly)”. Like the others it’s familiar and new all at the same time. I particularly enjoyed the instrumentals on this track. They come across a bit heavier than the others, but without losing any of the moody tones that tend to accompany a September Stories song. The song carries you through a wildly relatable situation with driving guitar riffs and perfectly executed drum beats to provide momentum that leaves you hanging on to every word looking for the next. It tells a story that many people face. Cheap words, loneliness, and a desperation for something real in relationships. You Leave It. drops on July 31, 2020. It is a short collection of three songs that gives me hope for what their next release will bring. If you like artists like Hotel Books, Levi the Poet, or NowHere, you are going to love September Stories. You can listen to the first single “You Leave it.” where ever you listen to music.