We got a chance to check out their first new single "Derelict" since their lineup change and it's something that will stay in your head all day. It's heavy and hits hard. The catchy chorus and the memorable verses make this song come together with perfection. Check the new single out and let us know what you think!

We caught up with their vocalist to talk about the writing process and what the song meant to him. Here's what he had to say.
"I started writing the lyrics for Derelict about 4 months ago. I was in a really bad place and I was struggling with my depression a ton. I was in this constant state of self-reflection where I would sit for hours and pick apart all the details of my life trying to figure out where I’d went wrong. One of the things I kept coming back to over and over again was religion and my experiences with it. Over the last several years I’ve fallen further and further away from church and religion and eventually I just stopped believing in a god altogether. At some point I guess I decided that if there’s a God he’d left me to rot and he obviously doesn’t give a fuck about me. I felt like I’d wasted years of my life putting my faith in nothing. I got pissed off about the entire situation and started writing and what came from it ended up being the lyrics for Derelict. Ultimately though, who knows if there’s actually a God? Moving forward I’ve just decided to put my faith in myself and humanity and to keep an open mind. Writing the lyrics for this song felt like getting a massive weight off of my chest and it’s ended up being a song that really means a lot to me. I hope some people can relate to the emotions I was feeling when I was writing, and that maybe this song can help someone heal the way it helped me to heal."

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