He Is Legend Interview

An Interview with He Is Legend

Interview by Anthony Spencer

To ease into this interview, let's start with something that all rock fans can agree with and that is the recently loss of the legendary drummer of Rush, Neil Peart. What was your reaction to the news and what are your thoughts on his influence? Has Rush influenced you guys in anyway?

- Jesse our drummer was really bummed. I’ve never been a fan. It’s unfortunate that he passed but I wasn’t heavily affected by it. Rush is one of those bands that most players really love, like the Dead or Meshuggah. I can dig it and understand why it is loved but its just not my cup of tea. Also no one needs that much shit on their drum kit.

Who were your influences during the early part of your career and who has influenced your current sound? Have there been constants or have they always varied?

- Our musical taste is constantly morphing. I was more into indie and goth music growing up but we constantly would bond over the Deftones and Pantera and Nirvana of course. Bands always come and go that we dig but those were the definite mainstays. And of course we all love the classics. But we were just as easily influenced by 2 Chainz or Travis Scott as we are Slipknot or BMTH.

So you guys have been a band for a few years now and I must ask, how's the journey been?

- Adam, Matt and I have been in this band for 15 years now... so the journey has literally been half of our lives. It’s our life. Ups and downs, highs and lows. It’s great. We love it.

You guys went on a hiatus after It Hates You which was a fantastic album, but what prompted the break?

- the state of the music scene in general, the need for a moment to catch our breath, our drummer wanted to go to school, we were being appreciated for what we thought was our best album to date. We were lumped into this methodical, washed up music scene where everyone was distracted and tired and we were pushing our own limits. It gave us an opportunity to back up and regroup and find our voice again.

During that time, what were you guys getting into? Essentially what kinds of jobs did you guys have or were you working on any side projects?

- I was working in film on an art department as a prop master and set decorator. I bartender even now when I am not on the road. Adam had a job as well, Steve went to school and started a family. Matt was the only one with a side project called Unholy Tongues. We just lived life. We would still meet up and jam. It was never a spoken word that we were finished. We just didn’t want to tour the same ol grind any longer.

What prompted you dudes to come back together? Was there something inspiring going on at that time that could only be expressed in musical form?

- No, as I said we had jammed and Adam had tunes that he was working on that needed to get out. We played a random show here or there over the break but really it was us finding a drummer who showed interest in being on the road that pushed us to writing Heavy Fruit and Bert back out on the road.

You're a band that has certainly evolved in terms of sound throughout your discography, was there anything in particular that you felt lead to the evolution?

- Yes, evolution.

With the release of Heavy Fruit, you guys came back with a vengeance. That CD didn't leave my player for a solid month. What was the background of that process?

- Really the process has always been the same. We had tunes to record and tour to go out on. So we did our business as usual in terms of how we write and record. It’s a format that has always worked for us so we don’t waiver.

After that we had the privilege of another banger of an album on Few. What was the mood on that album? What kind of sound were you looking to achieve?

- As a band, we never look to achieve a sound. We are the sound. I’m sure a lot of bands look to make a record that sounds a certain way but ours comes from the work we have put in and the time we spend together. Sure we utilize our influences in writing but I don’t think we have ever sat down and said “let’s write a song that sounds like ___.”

Last year you released White Bat which saw a somewhat return to your heavier sound which was something many fans wanted to hear considering you guys have a way of doing it like no other. What made you feel like this was the right time to take it in that direction?

- This whole thing comes down to the organic way our sound comes out. Sure it could have something to do with the times we are in or the times we have gone thru but all in all it is what our work together allows to bring forth and not the other way around. We are conduits for the sound.

Did you find that spending an extended period of time in LA influence the music lyrically and instrumentally?

-lyrically I was inspired in LA as the subject matter coincides with locations in and around Southern California

So what was the story about of the album?

- it was highly inspired by true crime and is my interpretation of that world colliding with fantasy and imagination.

In so little words. To venture back to your earlier albums, China White and its trilogy of songs are some of, in my opinion, the best songs to come from you guys. Can tell us about the trilogy? What was the inspiration behind those songs?

-Nope. But I will say that there are iterations on every other album as well, continuing the story. And White Bat exists in that universe as well. I’m working on a graphic novel slowly but surely. Someday I’ll have an opportunity to clear up all of the confusion.

According to Wikipedia, don't judge me, you guys are classified as hard rock, alternative metal, stoner rock, psychedelic rock, sludge metal, southern rock, and in your early days, metalcore. Are those fair? What would you call your very unique sound?

- Rock n Roll

It's been noted on several music sites that you guys are a very underrated band and I agree. You guys are finally getting the recognition that you deserve. How has that made you guys feel? Does it make all the tough times worth it?

-Still feel under appreciated and underrated. But we keep striving. We are not getting sad many tours as we would like and I think that’s all this boils down to. We would like to me working more. When we get there we will reevaluate. Lol

You guys were certainly a band that influenced a generation of music fans, myself included. If there's one thing you could say about your fans, what would it be?

- We are lucky to have a family as a fan base. I know fans are loyal to their favorite bands but we have really been blessed with some great folks. I cant imagine where we would be without some of them and they know who they are. We pride ourselves on having the best people in our corner.

Where do you see the scene going now that we're all getting older?

I think the scene stays the same and we just grow up. Go to a show of the new punk variety. Kids are still dancing, still singing along. Some of our fans are young and fresh to this, some of them are dads with bad backs. I hope we can continue to captivate. I love being able to rock for people who need it. Sometimes I’m the one who needs it most. So what's on the horizon for you dudes? We hope to be on the road as much as we can this year. Would love to hit the UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, NZ and South America in the future. Right now we are heading out with While She Sleeps and we have a few tests coming up in the future. Hopefully more to come.

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