Have Mercy - The Love Life Review

Review by Brittany Swigert & Alicia Dittman

After having not released any new music in 2 years, Have Mercy is back and better than ever with a new album titled “The Love Life” to release on August 2nd 2019. I had an opportunity to review the album and I have to say it is definitely one of the better collections of music I have listened to recently. It's perfect for lazy Sundays, going to the beach, or sitting up having long meaningful conversations with old friends. The sleepy little album opens much the same way that it ends; with dulcet tones and comfortable instrumentals.

After listening to a lot more heavy music recently this just provided a welcome escape from the noise of the world and it was nice just to have something that I could listen to and relax. Brian Swindle truly did a fantastic job with his work on this particular album. His voice comes through so crisp and clear and it really resonates along with the instrumentals giving you a sense of peace and comfort. But his work is not the only part of the puzzle that makes this album work so well.

The guitarists really show a fantastic use of restraint and skill to have executed the rifts that tie the entire album together. I would be remiss not to also give credit to their fantastic drummer clearly he is in sync with the rest of the band and certainly brings his own charm to this wonderful sound that they have created.

Many of the songs on the album reminded me of music that I listen to many years ago. Not so much in rehashing old techniques and sounds but more invoking memories that lay long forgotten. It is certainly something that I did not expect to come across my desk but I'm glad that it did. All in all the album is put together quite well and I look forward to hearing what you think when this releases August 2nd 2019.