Famous Last Words - Arizona EP Review

Review by Brittany Swigert

Famous Last Words is set to release Arizona soon and after listening to it I am sure it is going to blow you away. Last year they released "No Walls" and fans could not have been happier. If you are already familiar with them you will appreciate how they have managed to update their music over time without sacrificing their overall sound. For new listeners it is certainly a collection of their talents that will have you hooked.
The EP has so much to offer its listeners it's easy to get caught up on the finer details. The heavy screams hit hard and the cleans are absolutely incredible. The first track pulls you in with its instrumentals and keeps you hooked all the way through the energetic ending track. Be sure to listen out for "Runaways" short monologue. I have been hearing more of these popping up in music lately and I have to admit, it is a trend I'm happy about. Arizona features five unique tracks that will keep you engaged until the last note fades away. The guitar, bass, drums and vocals are so in sync and the end result is an EP you do not want to sleep on.