Misgiving - Resolve EP Review

Where do I even start with this EP? It’s the perfect mixture of clean vocals and screams. Every song tells a small story to piece it together into something bigger. Absolution was the first song I heard from it ,when they released their video, and from that moment on I knew I’d be hooked. When we talked to to Tyler (vocals) about the EP he’d gave us a little insight as to what it was about. He said, ”if you had a choice to go back and speak to a younger version of yourself and tell them what you’ve done, would they be proud of the choices you’ve made.” After hearing that it brought so much more life to the track. With this being said you definitely don’t want to sleep on the rest of the songs. Every one of them is mixed and mastered to the fullest beinging such a rich sound to a genre that maybe isn’t there anymore. It took us back to a time where post core was just breaking free and for that we commend them! Misgiving has shown us that you don’t need to stick with what’s popular right now to put out something amazing and we can’t wait to see what they’re going to bring to the table next! Oh yeah and make sure you stick around on the last song. There’s a hidden surprise that we absolutely loved!