Killer Klowns From Outer Space - A DBD Killer? - A Simple Review

Illfonic and Teravision Games have made a nearly perfect game. Could it be a DBD killer?

While I think it takes what DBD does but makes it better, there’s a special place for both games.

One reason is there are really no perks other than the Humans/Klowns main special abilities.

Killers and survivors are VERY balanced without endless colorful perks and even when they’re not, there’s 7 survivors vs 3 killers. BALANCED!

Comestics are fun so far with you having to unlock them at certain levels or by doing a certain set of challenges. Granted there are a few DLC packs that you can buy including the Human Klown pack, but with release clothing, hair, and make up, it’s a solid amount.

Klowns have vastly less it seems, but still have enough to make the game a great experience for your Sims like needs.

Proximity chat is pretty great but can be very buggy at times.

My biggest complaint is not having individual volume controls for game and voice chat. I’m not able to link voice chat to my GoXLR like normal to be able to mute voice chat when I’m talking to Twitch chat without having push to talk on.

I’m also not able to control how loud voice chat is in the game at all. Some players are very loud, some are very quiet.

As far as maps, there a quite a few! Let’s just say I played for an embarrassing 13hrs yesterday and still had trouble locating key points of the map but also running and crawly slowly through the maze that they are.

Some would say this is a bad thing but I personally think it’s adds a different aspect to horror asymmetrical genre.

With all of this said, I’m VERY VERY pleased with this release. My group waited quite some time and we’re not at the slightest disappointment. This will definitely be one we’ll be throwing countless hours into!

What are your thoughts on the game?

Michael Phillips