Mayday Parade - Sunnyland Review

Review by : Justin Piaoan
I have had the pleasure of visiting Mayday Parades Sunnyland and let me tell you, this record does not let up. This record is solid proof that after 13 years of being a band, they still have that ability to reign you back into your feels. With the help of Zack Odom, Kenneth Mount, and John Feldman all of they help bring out all the best parts of Mayday Parade comes to fruition on this record.

At points, this record brings me back to how I felt when I first listened to Taking Back Sunday’s “Louder Now”, and for those who don’t know me, they are one of my favorite bands. The tone of the record is brilliant and executed well. Sunnyday is a departure from past material and you can really tell they rolled with the same mindset that had with making Black Lines and have really grown over the years. This Mayday Parade I hear on Sunnyday fits perfectly and bring an awesome dynamic to the Rise family.

A golden rule that I hold is that If there isn’t growth whilst creating, then why write at all? So cheers Mayday Parade on your 6th debut album and writing honest heartfelt music. Sunnyday is out NOW everywhere!