Lydia - Liquor

Liquor’s set  to release July  13th,  is the  album of  the summer  for every twenty-something  that feels lost and wants to  still enjoy their youth. The sound  is everything you love about Paint It  Golden and Devil, with more bass. Imagine if Youngblood Hawke and The Arctic Monkeys joined forces. The way Leighton Antelman wrote these lyrics, puts you in  every one of the songs. You can feel everything he’s singing about.  Listening to this record feels like he’s walking you through a summer  crazy but destructive romance.

The album starts with Sunlight and Friends, describing  summer nights getting drunk with friends and the person one loves. Recalling this  love, he talks about driving fast, drinking more, staying up all night; equating this  romance to something more fun and wild. Both songs very upbeat, sounding a lot more indie-pop  than previous records. Lie To Me changes the tone to show how hard he has fallen for this love.  This song is very upbeat in the verses with a hook that’s relaxing and sweet. While track four, Let  It Cover Me Up has a very Arctic Monkeys sound and starts to describe the differences between these two  lovers. How willing he is to accept these differences, nonetheless they are two very different people. Red Lights,  a single that’s been recently released, recalls the great parts of this romance wanting it back, claiming I’m not over  you. This song, despite its bittersweet story, is still fun in nature, laying heavy on the kick drum. Way You Want It has  a very dark tone to it, and shows that this love of his has moved on to get everything they wanted, like diamonds on their  neck. This is the true break up song of the album. Goodside, the first released single, gave us a little taste of the new sound.  It has darkness, a hip beat, bass, and a catchy melody, with the same indie rock vibes you love from them. This song is asking for this  love back, also saying he’s in no hurry, but whenever they’re ready. Gypsy, track eight, starts off somber, but when the beat kicks in, it’s  definitely a feel good song. He talks about being partners again, how he’ll go anywhere with them, and how they’re in love with him. Making a  reference to Jekyll and Hyde, describing them as inseparable. The album moves to Tourist, the penultimate track on the record. He starts to describe  how destructive this romance is, saying he has the devil in his eyes, and they are poison. He sings about the fear of doing down. This track has a  similar feel to Way You Want It, in that of being very dark with a heavy beat. Closing the album off with Way Out, this track starts off with very somber  piano. In comes the kick drum and starts off the feeling of hope and happiness. He sings about his partner’s wanderlust and how they’ve stayed too long in one  spot and is granting them a way out, knowing this won’t last. It’s a fresh sound, something new and exciting; coming complete with a beautiful story and layout.

Liquor is  going to be in everyone’s Top Ten for 2018 album releases. This whole album is like driving down the beach with the top down on a sunny day in July.