Clutch - Book of Bad Decisions Album Review

Review by : Travis Downey

"Are you cool? Well I'm cool. Is everybody cool? Well let's get hot."

Clutch has always been a band that would either be perfect to tap your foot to, groove to, or start a bar fight to. "Book of Bad Decisions," released on their own label, Weathermaker Records, will make you do all three. The last few albums from Clutch have been a return to their 90's sound, going for a less Bluesy sound and playing straight groovy Rock N Roll, and this album is no exception. While "Earth Rocker" and "Psychic Warfare" brought back the faster style displayed in "Transnational Speedway League," "Book of Bad Decisions" sounds more like the perfect follow up to "The Elephant Riders." It's slower but grooves for days and has the feeling of 4 guys getting into a room to jam.

 It's worth noting that this might be the most produced album from them. The album opener "Gimme The Keys" starts with an almost Tool meets Nine Inch Nails intro before going into another Clutch classic. "In Walks Barberella" is the the perfect example of "weaponized funk," featuring a full horn section and a rhythm that's makes it impossible to stop bobbing your head. Other highlights include "Emily Dickenson," which slows everything down to a Sludge style tempo; the album closer "Loreiel," which shows the band displaying their psychedelic influences; and "Hot Bottom Feeder," which starts out with a steel guitar before going into a song that's about making crab cakes, which might be the most Maryland thing this band has ever done.

The bottom line is that if you don't like Clutch, this album is not going to change your mind. However, even casual fans of Clutch will find a diverse album that would be the perfect soundtrack to your end of Summer BBQ.